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Organize Your Life: Free Yourself from Clutter and Find More Personal Time
by Ronni Eisenberg and Kate Kelly
Release Notes
In this it's all about me age, Eisenberg and Kelly (creators of Organize
Yourself! 2005) have triggered the universal hot button: how to find more
personal time for you, your circle of loved ones, and your interests and
passions. No area of life is held sacred here; the organizers poke into work,
home, family, and vacation routines with advice that often sounds suspiciously
like business solutions. Outsourcing, for one; throughout almost every chapter,
they advise hiring professionals for whatever looms large—and might consume
valuable time, from teaching kids how to drive to retaining household help.
Common sense rules; the theme of consolidation, for instance, appears within
to-do lists, master address lists, universal remotes, even labeling. Some of
their organizational wisdom is original: clear clutter quickly by working the
room as if it were a clock's face; begin subdividing files when one grows to
three-fourths of an inch thick; and invite one birthday-party guest for every
year of your child's life (plus one). Presented are five different sidebars
(quick starts, sanity savers, time savers, time boosters, mini vacations), all
providing useful hints. Jacobs, Barbara
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Type.................: eBook (PDF)
Compression Format...: RAR
Post Information
Posted by............: bow-viper1
Poster URL...........: http://www.stealthy.us
Posted on............: 1/21/2009
Ready, Set, Organize: A Workbook for the Organizationally ChallengedDownload Links:
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